First off: ...So much for that "roll" i was on, eh?
Ya, well, random, scattered, & precious ~ that's ME!
K: I must declare bright & early this day that i am MUY grateful for DAILY moments that build my case...
My personal case for the reality of things i cannot SEE, nor EXPLAIN, yet KNOW are real & right!!
If i were better at keeping a regular journal, i could easily write daily only about one such moment from the previous day.
... Oh dear, my head is FULL of such great ideas & good intentions! …Hmmm...
"In a perfect world", "in my next life", "if i were more like _____", "if only _____" ...
Nope, not going there! I banned most of those expressions a decade or so ago...
TODAY – I am quite content with holding on to the joy & triumph of finding a moment to type my thoughts...
(Thank you poor eyesight, for leading me to believe that my clock read 6 this morn, as I popped out of bed, only to conclude a while later that it must have read 5)
So, if i have time to type nothing else, i must at least get in print one beautiful moment from a week ago:
I had been struggling and teary off and on for a couple of days after hearing of some upcoming changes in my daily work at the office. I even struggled with that occasional (ha?) great divide I sometimes have between how i felt in the moment, and how i wanted to be able to feel : )
While working in my comfy corner cubicle (off-the-beaten-path), I instinctively wiped my tear to hide it. As I pushed through my work, suddenly but softly a CRITICAL quote from my P Blessing, (that i hadn't read in way too long), appeared 'out of nowhere', (somewhere actually) ~ and "lit up" my mind! -
(Yes, Calvin & Josie, words ARE cool!)
"Dear Cherie, you should NEVER become DISCOURAGED.
Be humble and prayerful, and HE will hear your prayers, and HE will answer them"...
Yes, that phrase, in and of itself, could be good advice for anyone. However, I have always known why I needed to hear it. Discouragement is a biggy for me sometimes; it pretty much debilitates me!
Yet, right in that moment, I heard! I obeyed! – And I felt completely ENCOURAGED!
…Needless to say, as soon as i got home from work, i greeted the gang, went straight to reading my very own blessing, and sharing it w/ my Peeps.
Gratefully, intently, contently, confidently - I read.
So, right here I could stop and rest my case, at least for this post – yet there is more!...
As we read together informally through dinner, we felt the strong witness of the fulfillment of many of the statements…
However, there is another important blessing detail to factor in here: I was only 10 years old when i received it...
(Ashton's current age!)
HOW could any man, after meeting me, come up with so many me-specific things? - Even if I were an adult at the time?!
...The inspired "messenger" of those words to me was my father's Stake President in Oregon in the '40's.
In '69, when the other kids in my fam were about 17, 16, 14, & 11, my Dad got permission for that same man, then Patriarch Walsh, to give us our blessings all at once – over a 2 day period.
We drove (for spring break?) from the Bay Area to Bountiful, to his home to meet with him.
I remember we all fasted together for 3 blessings the first day and on through the other 2 the next morning.
(At 10, you would remember that part too).
I also remember feeling deeply impressed as i heard the five very separate, personal blessings.
I KNEW then that what I was experiencing was significant, meaningful, and DIVINE!
(Talk about "building a case" for faith and truth early on!! ~ THANK you DAD).